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The Bagpiper is arguably the publication most appreciated by members for its educational and entertaining content. History, genealogy, Scottish customs and lore, humor, news of upcoming events, all are reported, often with articles written by our own members. Since its beginnings in 1977 as a two-sided, 8.5 x 11 sheet, it has grown to our ‘little magazine’ of today. Published 10 times per year (no issues in August or February), it is sent to all members by email (a few members without email receive a printed copy).
The Bagpiper is available to members only, but for a two page sample of the current issue and to entice you to join SASES, click here. And, if you wish to join us, in the top menu select, "Join" for information about membership and an online application form. For more information about The Bagpiper, you can contact the editor here.
As a bonus, members also receive complementary issues of the monthly, The Scottish Banner with a global readership of over 100,000, a value of $20.00/year. It is one of the most widely read international Scottish publications and their content is a mix of news from Scotland as well as from the international Scottish community. For a sample of the Scottish Banner, click here

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